Universities in the world |
www.amikom.ac.id |
STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta |
www.atmajaya.ac.id |
Universitas Katolik Indonesia
Atma Jaya |
www.bakrie.ac.id |
Universitas Bakrie |
www.dinus.ac.id |
Universitas Dian Nuswantoro |
www.gunadarma.ac.id |
Universitas Gunadarma |
www.ibnuchaldun.com |
Universitas Ibn Chaldun Jakarta |
www.ipb.ac.id |
Bogor Agricultural University |
www.ista.ac.id |
Institut Sains dan Teknologi Al
Kamal |
www.itb.ac.id |
Institut Teknologi Bandung |
www.its.ac.id |
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh
Nopember |
www.janabadra.ac.id |
Universitas Janabadra |
www.jayabaya.ac.id |
Universitas Jayabaya |
www.maranatha.edu |
Universitas Kristen Maranatha |
www.moestopo.ac.id |
Universitas Dr. R. Moestopo |
www.narotama.ac.id |
Universitas Narotama |
www.pancabudi.ac.id |
Universitas Pembangunan Panca
Budi |
www.paramadina.ac.id |
Universitas Paramadina Mulya |
www.perbanas.ac.id |
Stie Perbanas Surabaya |
www.petra.ac.id |
Universitas Kristen Petra |
www.pmbs.ac.id |
Prasetiya Mulya Business School |
www.pnj.ac.id |
Politeknik Negeri Jakarta |
www.polban.ac.id |
Politeknik Negeri Bandung |
www.polines.ac.id |
Politeknik Negeri Semarang |
www.poltekpos.ac.id |
Politeknik Pos Indonesia |
www.puterabatam.ac.id |
Universitas Putera Batam |
www.sgu.ac.id |
Swiss German University |
www.stan.ac.id |
Sekolah Tinggi Akuntansi Negara
(STAN) |
www.stptrisakti.ac.id |
Trisakti Institute of Tourism |
www.trisakti.ac.id |
Universitas Trisakti |
www.uad.ac.id |
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan |
www.uajy.ac.id |
Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta |
www.ub.ac.id |
Universitas Brawijaya |
www.ubaya.ac.id |
Universitas Surabaya |
www.ubhara.ac.id |
Universitas Bhayangkara Surabaya |
www.ubm.ac.id |
Universitas Bunda Mulia |
www.ugm.ac.id |
Universitas Gadjah Mada |
www.ui.ac.id |
Universitas Indonesia |
www.uii.ac.id |
Universitas Islam Indonesia |
www.uinjkt.ac.id |
Universitas Islam Jakarta |
www.uir.ac.id |
Universitas Islam Riau |
www.uisu.ac.id |
Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara |
www.ukdw.ac.id |
Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana |
www.ukrida.ac.id |
Universitas Kristen Krida Wacana |
www.uksw.edu |
Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana |
www.umi.ac.id |
Universitas Muslim Indonesia |
www.umj.ac.id |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta |
www.umk.ac.id |
Universitas Muria Kudus |
www.umm.ac.id |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang |
www.ums.ac.id |
Universitas Muhammadiyah
Surakarta |
www.umsu.ac.id |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatra
Utara |
www.umy.ac.id |
Universitas Muhammadiyah
Yogyakarta |
www.unai.edu |
Universitas Advent Indonesia |
www.unair.ac.id |
Universitas Airlangga |
www.unand.ac.id |
Universitas Andalas |
www.unas.ac.id |
Universitas Nasional Jakarta |
www.uncen.ac.id |
Universitas Cenderawasih |
www.undana.ac.id |
Universitas Nusa Cendana |
www.undip.ac.id |
Universitas Diponegoro |
www.unej.ac.id |
Universitas Jember |
www.unesa.ac.id |
Universitas Negeri Surabaya |
www.unhalu.ac.id |
Universitas Haluoleo |
www.unhamzah.ac.id |
Universitas Amir Hamzah |
www.unhas.ac.id |
Universitas Hasanuddin |
www.unib.ac.id |
Universitas Bengkulu |
www.unik-kediri.ac.id |
Universitas Kediri |
www.unika.ac.id |
Universitas Katolik
Soegijapranoto |
www.unikal.ac.id |
Universitas Pekalongan |
www.unikom.ac.id |
Universitas Komputer Indonesia |
www.unila.ac.id |
Universitas Lampung |
www.unilak.ac.id |
Universitas Lancang Kuning |
www.unima.ac.id |
Universitas Negeri Manado |
www.uninus.ac.id |
Universitas Islam Nusantara |
www.unipdu.ac.id |
Universitas Pesantren Darul Ulum
Jombang |
www.unisba.ac.id |
Universitas Islam Bandung |
www.unisma.ac.id |
Universitas Islam Malang |
www.unisri.ac.id |
Universitas Slamet Riyadi
Surakarta |
www.unissula.ac.id |
Universitas Islam Sultan Agung |
www.unistangerang.ac.id |
Universitas Islam Syekh-Yusuf |
www.unitomo.ac.id |
Unitomo Surabaya |
www.univpancasila.ac.id |
Universitas Pancasila |
www.unj.ac.id |
Universitas Negeri Jakarta |
www.unja.ac.id |
Universitas Jambi |
www.unjani.ac.id |
Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani |
www.unkhair.ac.id |
Universitas Khairun |
www.unkris.ac.id |
Universitas Krisnadwipayana |
www.unlam.ac.id |
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat |
www.unmas.org |
Universitas Mahasaraswati
Denpasar |
www.unmer-madiun.ac.id |
Universitas Merdeka Madiun |
www.unmer.ac.id |
Universitas Merdeka Malang |
www.unmuhjember.ac.id |
Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember |
www.unmul.ac.id |
Universitas Mulawarman |
www.unnes.ac.id |
Universitas Negeri Semarang |
www.unpad.ac.id |
Universitas Padjadjaran |
www.unpak.ac.id |
Universitas Pakuan |
www.unpar.ac.id |
Universitas Katolik Parahyangan |
www.unpas.ac.id |
Universitas Pasundan |
www.unpatti.ac.id |
Universitas Pattimura |
www.unram.ac.id |
Universitas Mataram |
www.unri.ac.id |
Universitas Riau |
www.uns.ac.id |
Universitas Sebelas Maret |
www.unsada.ac.id |
Universitas Darma Persada |
www.unsil.ac.id |
Universitas Siliwangi |
www.unsoed.ac.id |
Universitas Jenderal Soedirman |
www.unsrat.ac.id |
Universitas Sam Ratulangi |
www.unsri.ac.id |
Universitas Sriwijaya |
www.unsyiah.ac.id |
Universitas Syiah Kuala |
www.untad.ac.id |
Universitas Tadulako |
www.untag-jkt.org |
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945
Jakarta |
www.untag-smd.ac.id |
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945
Samarinda |
www.untagsmg.ac.id |
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945
Semarang |
www.untan.ac.id |
Universitas Tanjungpura |
www.untar.ac.id |
Universitas Tarumanagara |
www.untirta.ac.id |
Universitas Sultan Ageng
Tirtayasa |
www.unud.ac.id |
Universitas Udayana |
www.unwiku.ac.id |
Universitas Wijaya Kusuma
Purwokerto |
www.uny.ac.id |
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta |
www.uph.edu |
Universitas Pelita Harapan |
www.upi.edu |
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia |
www.upr.ac.id |
Universitas Palangka Raya |
www.upstegal.ac.id |
Universitas Pancasakti Tegal |
www.usd.ac.id |
Universitas Sanata Dharma |
www.usi.ac.id |
Universitas Simalungun |
www.usm.ac.id |
Universitas Semarang |
www.usu.ac.id |
Universitas Sumatera Utara |
www.ut.ac.id |
Universitas Terbuka Indonesia |
www.utm.ac.id |
Universitas Tidar Magelang |
www.utp.ac.id |
Universitas Tunas Pembangunan |
www.widyagama.ac.id |
Universitas Widya Gama Malang |
www.widyakarya.ac.id |
Universitas Katolik Widya Karya |
www.widyatama.ac.id |
Universitas Widyatama |
www.wima.ac.id |
Universitas Katolik Widya
Manadala |
www.wisnuwardhana.ac.id |
Universitas Wisnuwardhana |
www.yai.ac.id |
Universitas Persada Indonesia
Y.A.I |
www.acmt.ac.ir |
Amirkabir College of Managmant &
Technology |
www.adiban.ac.ir |
Adiban Higher Education Institue |
www.aliabadiau.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Aliabad |
www.arakmu.ac.ir |
Arak University of Medical
Sciences |
www.araku.ac.ir |
Arak University |
www.art.ac.ir |
Art University |
www.arums.ac.ir |
Ardabil University of Medical
Sciences |
www.atu.ac.ir |
Allameh Tabatabaie University |
www.aut.ac.ir |
Amirkabir University of
Technology |
www.azad.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Tehran
South |
www.basu.ac.ir |
Bu Ali Sina University |
www.bihe.org |
Baha'i Institute for Higher
Education |
www.bihe.org |
The Bahá'í Institute For Higher
Education (BIHE) |
www.birjand.ac.ir |
Birjand University |
www.bmsu.ac.ir |
Baghyatoolah Medical Sciences
University |
www.bojnourdiau.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University,
Bojnourd |
www.bpums.ac.ir |
Bushehr University of Medical
Sciences |
www.fums.ac.ir |
Fasa Faculty of Medical Sciences |
www.gau.ac.ir |
Gorgan University of Agricultural
Sciences and Natural Resources |
www.gmu.ac.ir |
Gonabad University of Medical
Sciences |
www.goums.ac.ir |
Golestan University of Medical
Sciences |
www.gums.ac.ir |
Guilan University of Medical
Sciences |
www.hormozgan.ac.ir |
University of Hormozgan |
www.iau.ir |
Islamic Azad University |
www.iau-ahar.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Ahar |
www.iau-arak.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Arak |
www.iau-boukan.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Boukan |
www.iau-garmsar.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Garmsar |
www.iau-shirvan.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Shirvan |
www.iau-tnb.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, North
Tehran |
www.iauardabil.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Ardabil |
www.iauba.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Bandar
Abbas |
www.iauh.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Hamedan |
www.iauk.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Kerman |
www.iaumajlesi.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Majlesi |
www.iaun.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Najaf
Abad |
www.iauq.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Quchan |
www.iausdj.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj |
www.iaushab.ac.ir |
Azad University of Shabestar |
www.iaushab.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University,
Shabestar |
www.iaushiraz.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Shiraz |
www.iausr.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University,
Shahr-e-rey Branch |
www.iaut.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Tabriz |
www.iautmu.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Tehran
Medical |
www.iauvaramin.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Varamin |
www.iauyazd.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Yazd |
www.ikiu.ac.ir |
Imam Khomeini International
University |
www.ilam.ac.ir |
Ilam University |
www.iust.ac.ir |
Iran University of Science and
Technology Tehran |
www.iut.ac.ir |
Isfahan University of Technology |
www.jums.ac.ir |
Jahrom University of Medical
Sciences |
www.kashanu.ac.ir |
Kashan University |
www.kau.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Kazeron |
www.kaums.ac.ir |
Kashan University of Medical
Sciences |
www.kgut.ac.ir |
Kerman Graduate University of
Technology |
www.khuisf.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University,
Khorasgan |
www.kiau.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Karaj |
www.kish.ac.ir |
Sharif University of Technology,
Kish Campus |
www.kmu.ac.ir |
Kerman University of Medical
Sciences |
www.kntu.ac.ir |
K.N.Toosi University of
Technology |
www.lu.ac.ir |
Lorestan University |
www.lums.ac.ir |
Lorestan University of Medical
Sciences |
www.malayeru.ac.ir |
Malayer University |
www.mamasaniiau.ac.ir |
Mamasani University of Technology |
www.mau.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University,
Mobarakeh |
www.medsab.ac.ir |
Sabzevar School of Medical
Sciences |
www.miu.ac.ir |
Mustafa International University |
www.modares.ac.ir |
Tarbiat Modares University |
www.mofidu.ac.ir |
Mofid University |
www.mshdiau.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Mashhad |
www.mubabol.ac.ir |
Babol University of Medical
Sciences |
www.mui.ac.ir |
Isfahan University of Medical
Sciences |
www.mums.ac.ir |
Mashhad University of Medical
Sciences |
www.nit.ac.ir |
Babol Noshirvani University of
Technology |
www.pgu.ac.ir |
Persian Gulf University |
www.pnu.ac.ir |
Payame Noor University |
www.put.ac.ir |
Petroleum University of
Technology |
www.qom.ac.ir |
Qom University |
www.qums.ac.ir |
Qazvin University of Medical
Sciences |
www.rums.ac.ir |
Rafsanjan University of Medical
Sciences |
www.sadjad.ac.ir |
Sadjad Institute of Technology |
www.sadra.ac.ir |
Sadra University |
www.sbmu.ac.ir |
Shaheed Beheshti University of
Medical Sciences |
www.sbu.ac.ir |
Shaheed Beheshti University |
www.semnan.ac.ir |
Semnan University |
www.semnaniau.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Semnan |
www.shahed.ac.ir |
Shahed University |
www.shahroodut.ac.ir |
Shahrood University of
Technology |
www.shbu.ac.ir |
Sheikhbahaee University |
www.shirazu.ac.ir |
Shiraz University |
www.shomal.ac.ir |
Shomal University |
www.sku.ac.ir |
Shahrekord University |
www.spnu.ac.ir |
Shiraz Payamnoor University |
www.srbiau.ac.ir |
Islamic Azad University, Tehran
Science & Research Branch |
www.ssu.ac.ir |
Yazd Medical University |
www.sums.ac.ir |
Shiraz University of Medical
Sciences |
www.sut.ac.ir |
Sahand University of Technology |
www.sutech.ac.ir |
Shiraz University of Technology |
www.tabriziau.ac.ir |
Tabriz Islamic Art University |
www.tabrizu.ac.ir |
Tabriz University |
www.tct.ac.ir |
Tabriz College of Technology |
www.tums.ac.ir |
Tehran University of Medical
Sciences |
www.ui.ac.ir |
Isfahan University |
www.uk.ac.ir |
Shahid Bahonar University of
Kerman |
www.um.ac.ir |
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad |
www.uma.ac.ir |
University of Mohaghegh |
www.umsu.ac.ir |
Urmia University of Medical
Sciences |
www.umz.ac.ir |
Mazandaran University of Iran |
www.uok.ac.ir |
Kurdistan University |
www.urmia.ac.ir |
Urmia University |
www.usb.ac.ir |
Sistan & Balouchestan University |
www.usc.ac.ir |
University of Science and
Culture |
www.ustmb.ac.ir |
Mazandaran University of Science
& Technology |
www.uswr.ac.ir |
University of Social Welfare and
Rehabilitation Scinences |
www.uut.ac.ir |
Urmia University of Technology |
www.vru.ac.ir |
Vali-e-Asr University |
www.yu.ac.ir |
Yasuj University |
www.znu.ac.ir |
Zanjan University |
www.zums.ac.ir |
Zanjan University of Medical
Sciences |
www.ahlulbaitonline.com |
Ahlulbait International
University |
www.cihanuniversity.org |
Cihan University |
www.iraquniversity.net |
Iraq University College |
www.koyauniversity.org |
Koya University (Kurdistan
Region) |
www.ukh.ac |
University of Kurdistan - Hawler |
www.uobabylon.edu.iq |
Uinversity of Babylon |
www.uod.ac |
University of Dohuk (Kurdistan
Region) |
www.uokirkuk.edu.iq |
University of Kirkuk |
www.uokufa.edu.iq |
University of Kufa |
www.uomosul.edu.iq |
University of Mosul |
www.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq |
University of Mustansiriyah |
www.uowasit.edu.iq |
University of Wassit |
www.ait.ie |
Athlone Institute of Technology |
www.cit.ie |
Cork Institute of Technology |
www.dcu.ie |
Dublin City University |
www.dias.ie |
Dublin Institute for Advanced
Studies |
www.dit.ie |
Dublin Institute of Technology |
www.gcd.ie |
Griffith College |
www.gmit.ie |
Galway Mayo Institute of
Technology |
www.ittralee.ie |
Institue of Technology, Tralee |
www.ncirl.ie |
National College of Ireland |
www.nui.ie |
National University of Ireland |
www.rcpi.ie |
Royal College of Physicians of
Ireland |
www.rcsi.ie |
Royal College of Surgeons |
www.shannoncollege.com |
Shannon College of Hotel
Management |
www.tcd.ie |
University of Dublin, Trinity
College |
www.ucc.ie |
University College Cork |
www.ucd.ie |
University College Dublin |
www.ucg.ie |
National University of Ireland,
Galway |
www.ul.ie |
University of Limerick |
www.wit.ie |
Waterford Institute Of
Technology |
www.ariel.ac.il |
Ariel University Center of
Samaria |
www.bezalel.ac.il |
Bezalel Academy of Art and
Design |
www.bgu.ac.il |
Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev |
www.galilcol.ac.il |
Galillee College |
www.haifa.ac.il |
University of Haifa |
www.idc.ac.il |
The Interdisciplinary Center
Herzliya |
www.juc.edu |
Jerusalem University College |
www.openu.ac.il |
Open University of Israel |
www.sce.ac.il |
Sami Shamoon College of
Engineering |
www.shenkar.ac.il |
Shenkar School of Engineering &
Design |
www.tau.ac.il |
Tel Aviv University |
www.technion.ac.il |
Technion - Israel Institute of
Technology |
www.weizmann.ac.il |
Weizmann Institute of Science |
www.wgalil.ac.il |
Western Galilee College |
www.yvc.ac.il |
Emeq Yizrael College |
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